
Mutts are Beautiful

Our families, lovers and circle of friends are increasingly nontraditional, intergenerational, interracial, unconventional and intercontinental. We defy borders, boundaries, prediction, obligation and routine. We are mutts by choice, breeding or longing. We are mutts in our love lives. Mutts in our professional lives. Mutts in our social lives. Mutts in our spiritual lives. Mutts in our political lives. We embrace mutts because mutts are beautiful.

The New Nomads

Founded by Lauren Amos and Mariya Gusev, Ambassad Collective is a mutt, a small group of artists and writers based in the Washington, DC area but born from vastly different nationalities, cultural heritages, linguistic traditions, professional experiences and educational backgrounds. We design, develop and curate creature comforts--home decor, apparel, accessories, fabric and art--that speak to what we refer to as the “new nomads”--mutts who feel a sense of belonging at home as well as abroad and find comfort in people who are unlike us. We are restless but not aimless. We are the bridge builders.

Hello. Zdrastvooyte. Ciao! Welcome. Välkommen. Swaagath!

Our affinity for mixed media pieces is consistent with this mission. We reconceive and commingle photos, prints, sketches, paintings, clippings and tokens taken from gatherings with friends and family, as well as our domestic and international wanderings, as novel images. These designs are often barely recognizable from their original form but reflect the emotions, textures, smells, tastes, sounds and conversations we experienced. Hello and welcome!


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